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Multiple items at the same price

  1. Robolovsky

    I am setting up a form to sell variable quantities of six different items all at the same unit price (2.99). I have set up a number field (including an image) for the name and quantity of each item ordered and ideally would like to be able to assign the same unit price to each one. I cannot see a way of doing this. I tried to set up a hidden price field and use it for every item but when hidden it cannot be used for price calculation. Does anyone have an elegant way of achieving this or will I have to resort to checkboxes as well as quantity boxes?

    Posted 8 years ago #
  2. Robolovsky


    Posted 8 years ago #
  3. yuniar

    I'm not sure if I understand this correctly, but I think you can use Multiple Choice field and a number field for the quantity field. You can set the same prices for each choice option.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 8 years ago #
  4. Robolovsky

    Not sure that a multiple choice field would be the way to go. The items are Christmas cards and each one requires an image. Also the customer can choose various quantities of each one as required. Seems to me that the only way to do this is to list all six, one under the other and assign a checkbox to each one with the 2.99 value. On ticking the checkbox, a number field appears for the quantity.

    I guess what I was getting at was to see if there was a way of doing this that did not require the checkbox.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  5. eaglenest

    This is the feature I'm trying to duplicate, I believe it's similar to Robolovsky.

    T-Shirts - $15 - Enter quantity for each size you want to order
    ___ - Small ___ - Medium ___ - Large ___ - XLarge ___ - 2XLarge ___ - 3XLarge

    Enter a quantity in any or all of the fields and have it calculate total cost. Optionally it would be great to have the pricing option similar to multiple choice where I can set a price for each item listed. Basically we are looking for multiple choice/checkbox field but the field accepts a quantity instead of just a selection, entering the quantity equals selecting that entry.

    Posted 8 years ago #

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