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Logic notifications not adhering to "Delay Notifications Until Paid " preference

  1. rocketmedia

    I have recently been trying make some specialized notifications for people who select options on my payment form. I have the Delay Notifications Until Paid checked in the payments setting. The standard notifications setting does adhere to this option so it doesn't send them a notification before they have been approved for the payment. I have found the behavior of setting the notifications inside the logic section does not adhere to this option. It puzzles me that adhering to the Delay Notifications Until Paid is not the default for all notifications on that form. I am really needing to find a solution where I can send multiple dynamic emails, but also adhere to the Delay Notifications Until Paid option. I would love to hear anyone's feedback on this issue.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    Thanks for your feedback on this.

    We're receiving several thoughts regarding this and come to a conclusion that there should be an option to let the email logic to adhere the "delay notifications until paid" or not. Something that can be toggled on or off.

    Hang on please. We're working on it and hopefully it will be ready as part of v4.4 that we plan to release next month.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 8 years ago #

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