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Limit ip-text

  1. HeuF

    When you set "limit only one entry per use" option, the form should show an error message with text "Sorry, but this form is limited to one submission per user." if the user submit the form with the same ip address.

    You can change the text on "includes/post-functions.php" file. Edit the file and go to around line 1716, you will see this code :

    $process_result['custom_error'] = 'Sorry, but this form is limited to one submission per user.';

    then simply change the text on the right side.

    Now I can not find the text on "includes/post-functions.php" file. Where is it now?

    Posted 8 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    The text is actually located inside "includes/language.php" file. Make sure to find it there.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 8 years ago #

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