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Is there a limit on the number of elements that can be placed on a form?

  1. kristakov

    I have some corruption on a form I'm building. It's a rather complex form and after 6 pages and an index count of 104 elements everthing I add won't save with changes. The last element on the form is the final page section (page 7) and the element count (index) is 0. When I try to add elements to the form after 104 everything is indexed as though it's starting over from 1. Can you please shed some insight on how many form elements MachForm can include? If it's 100+ then can you explain how someone can fix the index corruption that can occur on a form? I'm stuck!! I can't move past this point in editing the form because of the indexing of the elements on the form.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    MachForm itself doesn't set any hard limit with the maximum number of fields, but there is limit with the maximum column on the backend mysql table.
    It's hard to say the exact number, since this also depends on the field types.

    We've tested MachForm with around 500 fields and it's working fine. I suggest to keep it under that number.

    For anyone else having problem saving the form (changes not being saved), make sure to check all your field labels and find any unclosed / mismatched HTML tags. Having incorrect HTML tags will interrupt the form saving process.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 8 years ago #

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