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I want a TEXT (not a TEXT FIELD) option

  1. zforray

    I seem to always need to add some text in-between fields, to divide areas, explain things in detail, etc. For now I have been using the SECTION BREAK field but it doesn't properly support all HTML tags I want to use to format the text I want to display.

    For instance, I tried to use the following text/code in a SECTION BREAK ` Are you interested in: <span style="color:blue">(check all that apply)</span>~

    What I got was the text in the SPAN BEFORE the leading text (e.g. (check all that apply) Are you interested )

    Plus the SECTION BREAK puts in some borders/horizontal lines above/below it, which I DO NOT necessarily want. I often want to put in my own horizontal breaks or IMAGES as separators!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. williamansley

    @zforray: I just checked this and I get the same results. Any text I put into a span tag in either the title or the "Guidelines for User" section of a "Section Break" field appear before any text that is not in a span tag. (I wish the "Guidelines for User" heading in Section Breaks would be renamed, since it isn't an accurate name in this case.)

    This seems like a bug to me. I assume it has something to do with the built-in CSS used to style Section Breaks. And this isn't limited to Section Breaks, either. If I try the same thing in the title of a "Single Line Text" field, the same problem occurs. In the Guidelines for User section of a Single Line Text field, things get even weirder. If I add text in a span tag after some untagged text, the text in the span tag starts out by jumping in front of the other text but after I enter the fifth character, it jumps behind the other text.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. zforray

    Thanks for the confirmation. Glad to know it isn't just me......Up to the AppNitro boys to address.....

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. joelhawthorne

    The work-around that I've used is to put my text into an image, and then add the image.

    But a "TEXT Box" as a "field" (not for user input), would be nice to have.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. yuniar

    The SPAN tag seems to be screwed indeed. Thank you for reporting this. We'll need to check this further.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 11 years ago #
  6. zforray

    I have done just that - created images to embed as separators / buttons, but again have use a "Section break" to have a place to stick the img tag, thus bringing us back to needed a "TEXT Box that isn't a user field". Could also be used for things like "horizontal ruler/hr" tags, pop-up/modal window code, etc.

    Yuniar, thanks for confirming the "bug" and hopefully addressing the need for a "TEXT Box that isn't a user field" field!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  7. williamansley

    @zforray: I know this was a while ago, so you may not see this message. But, if you could explain how your hypothetical "TEXT Box that isn't a user field" differs from a section break field (which to me already seems to be a "TEXT Box that isn't a user field"), then perhaps the shortcomings you want addressed would be dealt with.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  8. pcubillos

    I was hoping for more on this as well. Any news on this yet???

    Posted 9 years ago #
  9. williamansley

    @pcubillos: Exactly what do you want news about? I just did a brief test of the Section Break field and the span tag seems to work better now for styling purposes in the guidelines sections, although there are still some peculiarities. Make sure you save your form and view it to see what it will really look like; don't trust the live preview in the form editor.

    If you want to know if a "TEXT Box that isn't a user field" field has been added that is somehow different than a section break, then please explain how this new field would be different from the existing section break. Unless it can supply some need that is not addressed by the section break field, there is no need for a new field at all.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  10. pcubillos

    @williamansley: thanks for responding. This is what I am finding. Perhaps i am doing something wrong...

    In the Section Break> Field Label I am inserting this:

    <span style="color:orange; font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold; ">▶ Priority E</span><br>

    Works great

    However the "Guidelines for User" is indented to the end of the "E" of the field label... If I take out the "BR" then it is on the same line as the field label

    Posted 9 years ago #
  11. williamansley

    @pcubillos: For future reference for using this and other forums, it would have been better for you to create a new posting specifically stating what you wanted help with in the subject, rather then opening an old thread that refers to multiple topics with a message that doesn't make it clear what you are referring to.

    You have demonstrated that support for inline CSS styles in Section Break fields is still buggy or at least problematic, but it has improved over the way it was before. I did a little testing and have a suggestion: take the <br> out of the Section Break title (that is the Field Label field) and wrap a span around the "guidelines" text like so:

    <span style="clear:both;">This is the description of your section break.</span>

    This should make the guidelines text start on a new line.

    To make things clear, I am not an Appnitro employee, just another Machform user, so Appnitro is not responsible for my statements or opinions.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  12. pcubillos

    Sorry for the late response: Thank you!! That worked!!!!

    Posted 9 years ago #
  13. williamansley

    @pcubillos: Glad I could help.

    Posted 9 years ago #

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