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Glitch in v. 4.4: Entry grid widget has confusing "Default sorting order" text

  1. williamansley

    When creating a new entry grid widget in Machform v. 4.4 and and then editing it, I think one of the menu items under "Default sorting order" is confusing. When choosing a different default sort order, there is an item under "Default sorting order" under "Descending" named "Date Created (Default)". The "(Default)" remains in this menu item name even after you change the default sort order to something else. Sorting by "Date Created" in descending order does seem to be the initial default sorting order, but I think it is confusing to have the word default remain with this item even after the default sorting order for a given widget is changed to something other field. Therefore, I think "(Default)" should be removed from this item.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    Thank you! We'll fix this.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 8 years ago #

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