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Extra Form Buttons

  1. Robolovsky

    I believe this has been asked before but it would be nice if we could get an answer please. Currently it only appears possible to have one button on the form and that is the Submit button. However most forms have a Reset button and some have a Print button also. Is there a way of adding these extra buttons easily? If not then it would be great to have this facility in a future update.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  2. yuniar

    I don't think we're going to add reset button in the future. This is the main reason:

    As for the print button, I believe you can simply configure your form to send the copy of the submission to the person who filled the form.
    He or she will be able to print the complete form data through the email, which offers greater flexibility (you can customize the template).

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 8 years ago #

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