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Change "Submit" button text when clicked

  1. jhinkle

    With the addition of the themes functionality - is it possible to implement this request to ALL forms (existing and newly created):
    Change the Submit button text to something like "Processing ... please wait". Because for a few of my LONG forms, it takes a while for it to save to the database and the user thinks it's timed out and gets upset. Let me know your thoughts.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. jhinkle

    It doesn't have to change the text on the submit button - it could be an alert message or something else notifying the user that it might take a while, so calm down for a bit.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. yuniar

    It is possible to display the text "Processing...please wait" next to the submit button. Is this okay?
    It can be done by modifying the view.js file.

    Currently the view.js file is being packed. Please contact us directly and I'll send you the source code of the file along with the modification.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. dvprty

    Hi there, can you please send me the file too for changing the button once pressed? I get a lot of duplicated forms from impatient users who press the submit button more than once.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. williamansley

    @dvprty: If you can upgrade to version 4.2, this version is supposed have code to prevent double submissions built in:

    (Scroll down and look under "Bugfixes and Improvements".)

    I haven't tested this myself, and I don't know if it displays a message, but it is supposed to disable the "Submit" button once it is clicked until the data currently being submitted has been completely processed.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. yuniar

    Yes, version 4.2 have built-in code to prevent double submission already. It won't display the text of the submit button, only disable it once being clicked by the user.

    MachForm Founder

    Posted 9 years ago #

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